About Us

Welcome to the Upper Hopton Pre-School Programme

At Upper Hopton Pre-School we aim to provide a happy and exciting environment for children from 20 months until school age.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum providing opportunities for children to learn through play, to achieve their potential and be "School Ready".

"Free-flow" play is provided at each session, enabling children to choose activities they wish to be involved in, thus developing their confidence and self-esteem. Play extends to the fully enclosed, shaded outdoor area where a variety of learning experiences are provided and children can observe growth, decay and changes over time in the surrounding wildlife garden that they have contributed to.

Parent Involvement

We work closely with parents to ensure children are settled at their own pace when starting with us. Updates of children's learning and development are sent through Tapestry.

We hold Stay and Play sessions each term for parents and grandparents to come and play too.

Our Mission

Here at Upper Hopton Pre-School, our mission is to provide each child with a strong foundation for lifelong learning and the inspiration to excel in a safe and nurturing environment, supporting British values and enabling good citizenship within our community.


Age Ranges

Childcare from 20 months to 4 years and there is no need for children to be potty trained.

Funded Places

unded places are available for all children eligible to claim childcare hours.


We meet in the Croft House Community Centre at the heart of the rural Yorkshire in Bloom Gold Award winning village. The children learn to be good citizens and valuable members the community by taking part in regular horticultural activities with members of Hopton in Bloom.


There is easy access for children to be dropped off and there is a large car park.


We are open School Term Time:


9.00am - 3.00pm


9.00am - 1.00pm

Your child may attend for:

Three hour sessions from 12-3pm,

Four hour sessions 9-1pm

Six hour sessions 9-3pm

Contact Us

Upper Hopton Pre-School

Croft House

Jackroyd Lane

Upper Hopton


WF14 8HS

Email: admin@upperhoptonpreschool.co.uk 

Phone: 07989 212296 (during pre-school hours)